What Should I Do If My Pug Eats Chocolate?


Do You Know What To Do If Your Pug Eats Chocolate?

Chocolate is a tasty treat for humans that can be fatally toxic for pugs. It may be one of the most common forms of poisoning in dogs, so it’s vital to know what to do if it happens to your pug.

Kilo the Pug once stole and devoured a whole tray of dark chocolate and walnut brownies when we first fostered him. I rushed him to the vet and they induced vomiting and gave him a charcoal product. Thankfully he was fine. Then just last week, our house-guest Angus snuck a few bites of a block of dark chocolate he scavenged out of a backpack. Luckily for him, he threw up his breakfast and all the chocolate almost immediately (on the white carpet of course). We monitored him carefully for the next 2 days and he was fine.

What To Do If Your Pug Eats Chocolate

If you know your pug has consumed Chocolate,  call your vet or the 24-hour ASPCA poison control hotline: 1(888) 426-4435. Some fees may apply if you get a full phone consult, but it may be worth it. They can better help you calculate the risk to your pup by taking important information like:

  • What exactly did they eat? Was it dark chocolate? (That’s the most dangerous kind)
  • How much did they consume?
  • How long ago do you think they consumed it?
  • How big is your pug? What do they weigh?
  • Did they vomit?


What’s so bad about chocolate? It’s delicious!

Although you may be tempted at times, the unfortunate truth that sharing certain human foods with your pug can be seriously harmful to their health. Whether your pug took a bite of your brownie or stole an entire cake, it can be helpful to understand just what is happening and what to do.

See: 15 Foods You Should Never Feed Your Pug

Chocolate contains very toxic substances that are basically stimulants that can stop a pug’s metabolic process.

Toxins In Chocolate

Chocolate contains substances known as methylxanthines -specifically caffeine and theobromine. These Toxic substances are in all kinds of chocolate, with dark chocolate containing the most and white chocolate the least.

Carob Faux Chocolate

Symptoms of Chocolate Toxicity

  • Upset Stomach
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting

In More Severe Cases

  • Seizures
  • Muscle Tremors
  • Internal Bleeding
  • Irregular heart beat
  • Heart Attacks
  • Death

If your pug is showing any of these symptoms, then see your vet as soon as possible.

It’s also possible that if your pug has eaten chocolate they will naturally vomit on their own shortly after. Generally, within the first couple hours after consumption, if your pug hasn’t puked, the vet will need to induce vomiting. So it is crucial to get in to see your vet as soon as you realize your pug is at risk.

And again calling the 24 hour ASPCA hotline can help you calculate that risk quickly.

Nobody plans for these sorts of things to happen, but whether it’s the middle of the night and your vet is closed or not, the reality is that they do. Keeping a clear head and taking immediate action can save your pug’s life.

Safe ‘Chocolate’ For Pugs!?

Carob Faux Chocolate

While researching for the Dog Licks Dog-Friendly Recipes, we looked for a Dog-Friendly Substitute for Chocolate and found Carob. You’ll be impressed with the benefits for dogs and humans. In fact, all of the ‘chocolate’ photos in this post are actually Carob!

Carob is a chocolate substitute that can be ground into powder, melted or made into chips, just like chocolate. It has a similar rich dark brown color and naturally sweet flavor. It does not contain stimulants like caffeine, phenylethylamine or formamide, making it a great potential substitute for humans too.

Learn More About Carob HERE

Have You Ever Had A Chocolate Scare With Your Dog?

15 Foods You Should NEVER Feed Your Pug

Infographic Top 15 Worst foods to Feed your dog pug

The Top 15 Worst Foods to Give a Pug

It can be so tempting to give your adorable pug some scraps while you’re cooking or eating. Pugs are famously devoted dogs that will rarely leave your side, and that’s no different in the kitchen or at the dining table. In fact, Kilo is even more interested in food than me – he is obsessed. He tries to jump on my lap while I am eating or looks up with big brown eyes pleading. I confess, we bond over toast and peanut butter in the morning, and I occasionally share certain other tasty treats with him too…

While many fruits and veggies or peanut butter or grilled lean chicken and beef are generally OK snacks to give Kilo, there are certain people foods that you should never share with your pug.

15 Human Foods That Can Be Toxic For Dogs

1. Alcohol


Beer, liquor, wine, and foods containing alcohol should all be avoided. Alcohol has the same effect on a dog’s liver and brain that it has on humans and it takes far less to do damage. The smaller the dog, the greater the effect, which is why this is a big no-no for pugs.

Symptoms may reportedly include vomiting, diarrhea, central nervous system depression, problems with coordination, difficulty breathing, coma and death.

2. Avocado

There is some debate about the risks and benefits of small quantities of certain avocados from different areas; however many contain a substance called persin. It’s found in the leaves, seed, and bark, as well as in the fruit. So we think it’s probably better to avoid the risk at home.

3. Chocolate


We had only been fostering Kilo for a few weeks when he stole a whole box of dark chocolate brownies. I had to rush him to my vet where they induced vomiting and gave him charcoal. A very traumatic expensive experience but he still loves the smell of chocolate and regularly tries to climb up on the dining table to see if anyone dropped chocolate wrappers or crumbs.

Kilo the Pug Happy tongue out smile

Chocolate contains very toxic substances called methylxanthines like theobromine, which are stimulants and stop a dog’s metabolic process. They are in all kinds of chocolate, even white. The most dangerous kinds, though, are dark chocolate, chocolate mulch, and unsweetened baking chocolate.

Eating it, even just licking the icing bowl, can cause a dog to vomit, have diarrhea, and be excessively thirsty. It can also cause abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures, and death.

We are not experts in canine health, but we’ve chosen to use Carob as a substitute for chocolate.


4. Caffeine


Caffeinated products all contain substances called methylxanthines, which are found in cacao seeds, the fruit of the plant used to make coffee, and in the nuts of an extract used in some sodas. When ingested by pets, methylxanthines can cause vomiting and diarrhea, panting, excessive thirst and urination, hyperactivity, abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures, and even death.

Symptoms of caffeine poisoning can reportedly include restlessness, rapid breathing, heart palpitations, muscle tremors, and fits. In addition to tea and coffee – including beans and grounds – caffeine can be found in cocoa, chocolate, colas, and stimulant drinks such as Red Bull. It’s also in some cold medicines and pain killers.

5. Cooked Bones

Dogs love bones, and pugs are no exception! But make sure they’re always raw, as a cooked bone can be a choking hazard. Some bones can splinter and cause obstructions or lacerations in your pug’s digestive system. Raw bones are an important part of a raw diet and certain commercially prepared cooked bones should be safe, so consult your vet or a trusted source on specific bones. Always avoid cooked chicken bones and other bones leftover from cooking.

6. Fat Trimmings

Fat trimmed from meat, both cooked and uncooked, can cause pancreatitis. Meat is an important part of your pug’s diet, but make sure to limit the fat content if you are preparing it yourself. Consult your vet for more information on what kind of meat content your specific pug may need.

7. Grapes and Raisins

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Many people do not realize that grapes and raisins can be toxic to dogs. In fact, we were at an event last week and someone served grapes for kids and a dog ended up ingesting some. Luckily his parents saw and knew the dangers and took him to the emergency vet where they induced vomiting.  Although it is apparently not entirely clear why, grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure. Just a small amount can make a dog ill, especially a small breed like a pug. Repeated vomiting is an early sign. Within a day, a dog may become lethargic and depressed.

8. Macadamia Nuts

Dogs shouldn’t eat macadamia nuts or foods with them because they can be fatal. As few as six raw or roasted macadamias can make them ill. Symptoms of poisoning may include muscle tremors, weakness or paralysis of the hindquarters, depression, vomiting, elevated body temperature, and rapid heart rate. Eating chocolate with the nuts will make symptoms worse, possibly leading to death. Signs usually appear within 12 hours of ingestion and can last approximately 12 to 48 hours.

9. Onions, Garlic, Chives


Like onions, leeks, and chives, garlic is part of the Allium family, and it is five times more toxic to dogs than the rest of the Allium plants. Onions and garlic in all forms – powdered, raw, cooked, or dehydrated – can destroy a dog’s red blood cells, leading to anemia. That can happen even with the onion powder found in some baby food or spaghetti sauce. A tiny dose is probably OK, but eating a large quantity just once or eating even smaller amounts regularly can cause poisoning. Symptoms of anemia include weakness, vomiting, little interest in food, dullness, breathlessness, pale gums, elevated heart rate, and collapsing. Poisoning from garlic and onions may have delayed symptoms, so if you think your dog may have eaten some, monitor him or her for a few days, not just right after consumption.

Toxicity is normally diagnosed through history, clinical signs, and microscopic confirmation of Heinz Bodies. I called my vet and the ASPCA hotline when my little thief Kilo ate onions and they weighed his risks based on age, size, quantity and time passed. He ended up being fine but gave us quite a scare.

Read about our Onion Scare with Kilo the Pug when he stole an onion quiche.

10. Cherry, Persimmon, Peach, and Plum Seeds or Pits

The problem with these fruits is the seeds or pits, and sometimes stems too. The seeds from persimmons can cause inflammation of the small intestine in dogs. They can also cause intestinal obstruction. Obstruction is also a possibility if a dog eats the pit from a peach or plum. Plus cherry, peach, and plum pits contain cyanide, which is poisonous to both humans and dogs. The difference is humans know not to eat them, and dogs don’t! The flesh of these fruits is fine for your pug, but make sure to store them out of reach.

11. Raw Eggs


There are dog owners who feed their pets raw diets and tout the benefits of raw eggs for their dogs. But there can be two possible problems with giving your dog raw eggs: The first is the possibility of food poisoning from bacteria like Salmonella or E. coli. The second is that an enzyme in raw eggs interferes with the absorption of a particular B vitamin. This can cause skin problems as well as problems with your dog’s coat if she’s been eating any substantial quantity of them for a long time. Cooked eggs in moderation are OK!

12. Raw Fish


Salmon, trout, shad, or sturgeon can contain a parasite that causes “fish disease” or “salmon poisoning disease.” If not treated, the disease can be fatal within two weeks. The first signs of illness are vomiting, fever, and big lymph nodes. Thoroughly cooking the fish will kill the parasite and protect your dog. Cooked fish like salmon can be an excellent source of protein, good fats and amino acids.

13. Salt and Salty Snack Foods

Large amounts of salt can produce excessive thirst and urination, or even sodium ion poisoning in pets. Signs that your pet may have eaten too many salty foods include vomiting, diarrhea, depression, tremors, elevated body temperature, seizures, and even death. As such, we encourage you to avoid feeding salt-heavy snacks like potato chips, pretzels, and salted popcorn to your pets. While not recommended, giving your pug salt can be a way to induce vomiting if he’s eaten something even more toxic.

Before it’s baked, bread dough needs to rise, and that’s exactly what it would do in your dog’s stomach if she ate it. As it swells inside, the dough can stretch a dog’s abdomen and cause severe pain. In addition, when the yeast ferments the dough to make it rise, it makes alcohol that can lead to alcohol poisoning.


Xylitol is used as a sweetener in many products, including gum, candy, baked goods, and toothpaste. It can cause insulin release in most species, which can lead to liver failure. The increase in insulin leads to hypoglycemia (lowered sugar levels). Initial signs of toxicosis include vomiting, lethargy, and loss of coordination. Signs can progress to seizures. Elevated liver enzymes and liver failure may be seen within a few days.

Candy, gum, toothpaste, baked goods, and some diet foods and peanut butters may be sweetened with xylitol. Always read the label before giving your pug processed food.

In Case of Emergencies

It’s a great idea to always keep the numbers of your local vet, the closest emergency clinic, and the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Centre – at (888) 426-4435 – handy and accessible in case of an emergency. If you think your dog has gotten into something toxic, call for emergency help right away.